O Apple Silicon está pronto?

O Lunadisplay está pronto para Apple silicon?

Sim, Suporte Nativo a Apple Silicon (4.4.0+)




Luna Display is a revolutionary hardware solution that transforms your iPad into a wireless second display for your Mac, enhancing productivity and expanding your workspace. Compatible with both Intel and M1 Macs, it offers seamless integration for MacBooks, providing a versatile and portable dual-screen setup. With a simple plug-and-play device, it easily connects to your Mac, offering a high-quality, lag-free experience. Luna Display also supports extending PC displays to an iMac, making it a versatile tool for cross-platform setups. Its technology optimizes your workflow, whether for professional creative tasks, multitasking, or leisure activities.

Tags: productivityProductivityHardwareWireless DisplayMac AccessoryCross-Platform

Lunadisplay é compatível com Macs Apple Silicon?
Lunadisplay agora é totalmente compatível com os Macs Apple Silicon M1 e M2 a partir da versão 4.4.0+.
Is Luna Display compatible with M1 Macs?
Yes, Luna Display fully supports M1 Macs, providing a seamless experience with these latest Apple silicon computers.
Can Luna Display be used with MacBook devices?
Absolutely, Luna Display is designed to work with MacBook, enhancing its functionality by adding a wireless second screen.
What steps are required to connect Luna Display to a Mac?
Connecting Luna Display to your Mac is straightforward: simply plug the Luna hardware into your Mac, download the Luna app, and follow the on-screen instructions to start using your iPad as a second display.
Is it possible to use Luna Display to extend a PC's display to an iMac?
Yes, Luna Display supports extending your PC's display to an iMac, offering a versatile solution for cross-platform use.

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