Je MoneyWiz 2020 připraven/a pro Apple silicon?

Ano, Nativní podpora Apple Silicon (2020.46.1+)

MoneyWiz 2020

MoneyWiz 2020


MoneyWiz 2020 is a sophisticated and comprehensive financial software designed for Mac users aiming to manage their finances effortlessly. This application offers a wide array of features, including tracking expenses, budgeting, setting up bills reminders, and generating detailed reports to provide insights into one's financial health. Its intuitive interface and powerful syncing capabilities across multiple devices make it an essential tool for anyone looking to take control of their personal or business finances. MoneyWiz 2020 supports a multitude of currencies and integrates seamlessly with online banking, allowing users to synchronize their transactions in real-time.

Štítky: financeFinance ManagementBudgeting SoftwareExpense TrackingFinancial ReportingBank Syncing

Je MoneyWiz 2020 kompatibilní s Apple Silicon Macs?
MoneyWiz 2020 je nyní zcela kompatibilní s Apple Silicon M1 a M2 Macs od verze 2020.46.1+.
How can I start using MoneyWiz 2020 on my Mac?
To begin using MoneyWiz 2020 on your Mac, download and install the application from the Mac App Store. After installation, open the app and follow the setup instructions to create your account and start managing your finances.
Does MoneyWiz 2020 support synchronization with banks?
Yes, MoneyWiz 2020 offers bank synchronization features, allowing you to connect directly to your bank accounts and automatically import transactions, ensuring your financial data is always up to date.
Can I track my investments with MoneyWiz 2020?
Absolutely, MoneyWiz 2020 includes investment tracking capabilities. You can monitor your investment accounts, track the performance of your stocks, and even analyze your portfolio's asset allocation.
Is it possible to create budgets in MoneyWiz 2020?
Yes, MoneyWiz 2020 allows you to set up customizable budgets to manage your spending effectively. You can create different budget categories, set spending limits, and monitor your progress in real-time.

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