Native instruments Appleシリコンの準備はできていますか?

部分的なApple Siliconサポート (-)

Native instruments

Native instruments

Native Instruments GmbH

From January 12th, 2021, we’re enabling the installation of NI products on computers with Apple Silicon processors. With the exception of MASSIVE X, all of our products can be activated, installed and updated using Native Access (version 1.13.2 and later), which will run on the latest generation of Mac computers via Apple’s automatic translation environment Rosetta 2. Please note however that we are not yet able to offer technical support for products installed in this way.

タグ: soundmusic

Native instrumentsはApple Silicon Macと互換性がありますか?
Native instrumentsは現在Apple Silicon M1およびM2 Macとの部分的な互換性を提供しています。まだ全面的に機能しない特性がいくつか存在するかもしれませんが、完全な互換性を達成するために継続して取り組んでいます。
