Tunnelblick Appleシリコンの準備はできていますか?

はい, ネイティブApple Siliconサポート (3.8.7a)




Tunnelblick helps you control OpenVPN® VPNs on macOS. It is Free Software that puts its users first. There are no ads, no affiliate marketers, no tracking — we don't even keep logs of your IP address or other information. We just supply open technology for fast, easy, private, and secure control of VPNs.

For testing only. Runs natively on M1 and Intel Macs.

タグ: System Utilitiesvpn

TunnelblickはApple Silicon Macと互換性がありますか?
Tunnelblickはバージョン3.8.7aから完全にApple Silicon M1およびM2 Macと互換性があります。
