Epic Games Launcher 가 Apple Silicon을 지원하나요?

일부 Rosetta 2 지원

Epic Games Launcher

Epic Games Launcher

Epic Games

The Epic Games Launcher is an Epic Games storefront, digital games distribution, communication and multiplayer platform made by Epic Games. It’s focused on providing great games for gamers, and a fair deal for game developers. When you buy a game on the Epic Games Store, 88% of the price goes directly to developers, versus only 70% on many other stores. This helps developers invest in building bigger and better games

Runs however crashes on installing twinmotion, unusable on M1 mac

태그: games

Epic Games Launcher이(가) Apple Silicon Mac과 호환됩니까?
Epic Games Launcher은(는) 이제 Apple Silicon M1 및 M2 Mac와 부분적으로 호환됩니다. 동작이 완전히 예상대로 이루어지지 않을 수 있는 기능이 여전히 일부 있지만, 완전한 호환성을 달성하기 위해 꾸준히 노력하고 있습니다.

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