Viscosity 가 Apple Silicon을 지원하나요?

, 네이티브 Apple Silicon 지원 (1.9+)




Viscosity is a sophisticated OpenVPN client for Mac, offering users an intuitive and powerful way to connect to their network. Designed with both the novice and the power user in mind, Viscosity makes it easy to establish secure connections with its drag-and-drop interface. It provides detailed connection statistics, full DNS support, and advanced networking features, making it a preferred choice for professionals and casual users alike who require reliable and customizable VPN solutions. Viscosity supports importing configurations and provides a seamless experience for managing your VPN connections.

태그: productivityVPNOpenVPNNetwork SecurityInternet PrivacyMac Software

Viscosity이(가) Apple Silicon Mac과 호환됩니까?
Viscosity은(는) 이제 버전 1.9+부터 Apple Silicon M1 및 M2 Mac과 완전히 호환됩니다.
What does Viscosity offer for Mac users?
Viscosity is a feature-rich OpenVPN client for Mac that enables users to securely connect to their networks with ease, offering advanced features like full DNS support and detailed connection statistics.
How can I install Viscosity on my Mac?
To download Viscosity on Mac, visit the official website, purchase the software, and follow the provided instructions to install it on your system.
What makes Viscosity different from other VPN services?
Viscosity stands out as a sophisticated OpenVPN client designed for Mac, offering advanced networking features, ease of use, and a customizable experience for secure Internet connections.
Is there a cost associated with using Viscosity VPN?
Viscosity is not a free VPN solution. It requires the purchase of a license to use the software on Mac, providing a secure and feature-rich VPN experience.

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