Sparkle 可以在 Apple 晶片運作了嗎?

, 原生支援Apple Silicon (1.24.0-spm+)



Sparkle Project

Sparkle is an essential tool for developers and Mac users, designed to simplify the process of keeping applications up to date. It seamlessly integrates with Mac applications to provide automatic updates, ensuring that users always have the latest features and security enhancements without manual intervention. This open-source framework is highly regarded for its ease of use and integration, making it a go-to choice for developers looking to streamline their update processes. Sparkle supports appcasting, a method of distributing updates using standard web technologies, which makes it incredibly efficient and reliable for software distribution.

標籤: productivitydevelopermacSoftware UpdateMac DevelopmentOpen SourceAppcastingAutomatic Updates

Sparkle是否與使用Apple Silicon的Mac兼容?
Sparkle現在已經完全兼容使用Apple Silicon M1和M2的Mac,從1.24.0-spm+版本開始。
What are some alternatives to Sparkle for updating Mac applications?
Alternatives to Sparkle for updating Mac applications include Squirrel, WinSparkle, and the built-in macOS software update mechanisms.
What is Sparkle in the context of Mac applications?
Sparkle is a software framework for macOS applications that enables developers to add seamless, automatic update features to their apps, enhancing user experience and security.
How can Sparkle be installed in a Mac application?
To install Sparkle, developers need to integrate it into their Mac application's project, configure update settings, and ensure the app is set up to securely fetch and install updates.
Is Sparkle associated with Apple Inc.?
While Sparkle is widely used in Mac applications, it is not directly associated with Apple Inc. It is an independent, open-source project that complements macOS software development.
